Understanding The Role of Trust Mediation in E-Government Adoption in Citizenship Administration Services Policies in Bantul Regency Using Disdukcapil Smart Application

Arief Kurniawan, Rudy Hartanto, Achmad Djunaedi


This study investigates the role of trust in the acceptance of e-government technologies using a modified Unified Model of Electronic Government Adoption (UMEGA) that includes trust as a mediating variable. This study involved 107 respondents from six subdistricts in Bantul Regency, focusing on the use of the Disdukcapil Smart application in e-government citizenship administration services. The findings indicate that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and perceived security, which are managed by e-government providers, are the determinants of trust. Meanwhile, social influence and privacy risk, which are not managed by e-government providers, are disregarded. Facilitating conditions like citizen-owned infrastructure ease the use of system. The study confirms that trust level influences public participation in bureaucracy, as shown by behavioral intentions in using e-government.

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