Triple Helix Collaboration in Indonesia’s Covid-19 Vaccine Development: Understanding The Barriers and Enablers
The development of the Covid-19 vaccine (nationally named Merah Putih Vaccine) is a national innovation activity initiated by the Indonesian central government and coordinated by the National Research and Innovation Agency. This study aims to understand the collaboration between the triple helix components (Industry, Academician, and Government) in the Merah Putih vaccine (MP vaccine). An exploratory study of the actors involved in developing the MP vaccine was carried out through a primary data collection process from January to August 2021. Furthermore, a descriptive analysis of triple helix collaboration discloses components, functions, and configuration in the MP vaccine development. Our finding reveals that the most highlighted issue is the reputation concerning two significant dimensions; scientists' experience or R&D human resources on real-life projects and the R&D facilities and infrastructure. However, neither of the dimensions can accelerate the proof-of-concept vaccine candidate immediately. The critical findings of this research serve as empirical evidence of the barriers and enablers of a national innovation project initiated by the government, as seen from the triple helix collaboration with the emerging issues approach
Keywords: Triple Helix Collaboration, Covid-19, Emerging Issue, Vaccine
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