Model Sistem Manajemen Riset
Research institution has an important role in enhancing a nation’s
competitiveness. Hence, research institution should have a good
performance; relevant to the need of increasing competitiveness.
Related to this, a research management system appropriate for
research institution was needed. Unfortunately, until now, the
aforementioned research management system model remained
unclear. This research aimed to formulate a research management
system for research center under LIPI (Indonesian Institute of
Sciences). Research management system model was formulated
based on the analysis of three standards (SNI ISO/ IEC 17025:2008,
ISO 9001: 2008, and KNAPPP 02), LIPI characteristics analysis,
and the practices of the existing management system. The result
showed that generally, the developed research management system
FRQVLVWHGRI¿YHVFRSHV quality management systems, management
responsibility, resource management, realization of research
products or service, and monitoring and evaluation.
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