Mengukur Kesiapan Institusi Riset “Y” dalam Menerapkan SNI ISO 9001:2008 Melalui Iklim Organisasi

Agus Fanar Syukri


In the globalization era, consumers are becoming more demanding on
the quality of products, including services from public organizations. To
improve the quality, many organizations have started to implement a quality
management system (QMS) based on SNI ISO 9001:2008. This study
determines the perceptions of “Y” organizational readiness in implementing
QMS by using Organizational Climate instrument. The number of respondent
was 28 out of 32 employees.Data was collected by census, then analyzed
by gapmethod.The result showed that Y organization is ready to implement
QMS based on ISO 9001, with the smallest gapwas 4.6% for feeling free to
talk to superiors about job and the widest gapwas 18% for making decisions
level was still on managers,not involving employees yet

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