Technology for Development: Ten True Stories Revealing the Complexity of Replicating South Korean Success

Nawaz M. Sharif


This essay comprises ten true stories presented to highlight personally observed problematic encountered by Asian developing country leadership who tried to replicate South Korean success in fostering technology innovation induced sustainable economic growth strategy without paying robust attention to the crucial role of creating an "innovation climate/culture" as necessary foundation for myriad development efforts. It seems to Sharif that the country leadership focused too much on the model mechanics, but did not have rigorous concern for the underlying principles of those models. To reveal validity of this assertion, Sharif presents ten true stories that he personally observed. The stories are: (1) True Story on Suspicion and Disrespect; (2) True Story on Mindset Constraint; (3) True Story on Caring for the Weak; (4) True Story of Super Achievers; (5) True Story on Failure to Follow Through; (6) True Story on "Turn Right" into the River; (7) True Story of Motherly Protection; (8) True Story of Supreme Commitment; (9) True Story of KIST and MOST Mirages; and (10) True Story on Plan Implementation.

Key words: technology for development, technology innovation, technology management

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Sharif, M.N., (Ed and Study Team Leader). (1984). Technology for Development. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN-ESCAP), Tokyo.

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Sharif, M.N., (Ed). (1986). Technology Policy Formulation and Planning: A Reference Manual. UN-ESCAP, Asian and Pacific Center for Transfer of Technology, Bangalore.

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Title of six volumes:

Volume 1 An overview of the Framework

Volume 2 Technology Content Assessment

Volume 3 Technology Climate Assessment

Volume 4 Technology Status Assessment

Volume 5 Technology Capability Assessment

Volume 6 Technology Needs Assessment

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Sharif, M.N. (1999). Strategic Role of Technological Self-reliance in Development Management. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 62(3): 219-238.



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