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Nadhiroh, Irene Muflikh, PAPPIPTEK-LIPI (Indonesia)
Nadhiroh, Irene M (Indonesia)
Nandini, Widya, ITB (Indonesia)
Napitupulu, Darmawan Baginda (Indonesia)
Nasution, Syukri Yusuf, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Indonesia)
Naufal Qisty, Syifa, Directorate of repositories, multimedia, and scientific publishing, BRIN, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Navaz, Santiago Ruiz, Dept. of Technology and Innovation Management, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan (Japan)
Nazli, Rizal Syarief Siaiful, Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia)
Nishida, Kentaro, The University of Tokyo, Japan (Japan)
Nugroho, Arief Priyo, National Institute of Health Research and Development (Indonesia)
Nugroho, Iwan, Universitas Widya Gama (Indonesia)
Nugroho, Novendra Cahyo, Extension and Communication Development, Graduate School of Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia (Indonesia)
Nurhayati, Atikah, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Padjadjaran University (Indonesia)
Nurhayati, Azizatun, Center of Asia Pacific Study and Faculty of Agriculture UGM, Indonesia, Jl Flora Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281, Tel.0274-516656 (Indonesia)
Nurjaya, I Wayan, Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan – Institut Pertanian Bogor (Indonesia)
Nurzal, Erry Ricardo, IPB (Indonesia)